Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blueprints Aren't Leaving A Green Footprint

I was recently contacted by Houston Neal of He wanted to share with me, one of his heartfelt environmental concerns. This involves the production and printing of over 37 million, hard-copy blueprints, every year.

Until, I read Houston's article on this subject, I didn't have a clue regarding this topic. It excited me to think just how many more ways there are, to take positive steps, in reducing our carbon footprint.

It also saddened me a bit. This being, because it shows how much abundance this planet has had available to it, and the misuses that have been facilitated by it. We, as a society, come by most things pretty darn easily. But, the resources to create those things are dwindling away more rapidly, than they can be restored.

Houston's article on the Construction Blog, talks about the huge amount of paper usage every year, just due to printing off blueprints. Then, it looks at the digital alternative, which means zero waste, and a green footprint for blueprints.

I really appreciate Houston Neal sharing this information with me. I hope that it raises an awareness in many of you, to look at other areas where your activities may be adversely affecting the environment. I know that it certainly has, for me.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Building Trust For Climate Change Means Action

I was the voice of many last Saturday night in Boise, when we stood in front of the Idaho State Capital, and voiced our passion for a Real Deal in Copenhagen. Now, a week later, I sit and ponder if our voices were even heard.

Honestly, I don't know the answers. But, I'm not naive enough, not to know, that there's a lot of 'special interest' involved in these discussions and decisions, (or lack thereof). In the meantime, I have to choose to believe that COP 15 was a launching pad for accelerating efforts and achievements, in dealing with global warming issues.

President Obama stated that there needs to be, "The building of trust between between developed and developing countries." That 'trust' cannot just be bought. It must also be demonstrated by action.

Rhetoric has to be replaced with action. And those actions, are necessary by everyone on this planet, as well as each and every country. Whether those citizens be from a developing or developed country, action is key.

A quote from an associate of mine, Antonio Bettencourt, in a recent LinkedIn discussion, voices my sentiments quite well:

"I suspect that the more aggressive actions we take, the more "moral authority" we will have in the world and the better we will be able to pressure other countries to step up to their obligations."

Also, as Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see in the world". Another way to personalize this is: The more I change, the more I see I can do.

What will you do?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Leaders Announced by EPA

It's not a secret that I am a Shaklee Distributor. It's also not a secret that a lot of folks turn their noses up to Shaklee and MLM's in general, based on past experiences and a lot of heresay.

So, for those that consider themselves environmentally conscious members of society and would choose to continue to be closed-minded about Shaklee and the notion that companies and people can't change, then please don't bother reading any futher. But, to those environmentally conscious members of society that believe in progress, change and the idea that ANYONE can catch the vision; I'd like to brag about Shaklee's latest environmental achievement.

On December 2nd, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that eight businesses achieved goals set by the EPA, thus recognizing these companies as EPA Climate Leaders in 2009. Shaklee achieved its initial goal by maintaining net zero U.S. GHG emissions from 2006 to 2009, using a 2004 base year.

As stated on the EPA's website: "The EPA works with companies to develop comprehensive climate change strategies. Partner companies commit to reducing their impact on the global environment by completing a corporate-wide inventory of their greenhouse gas emissions based on a quality management system, setting aggressive reduction goals, and annually reporting their progress to EPA. Through program participation, companies create a credible record of their accomplishments and receive EPA recognition as corporate environmental leaders."

This is not the first time that Shaklee received this honor. In 2006, they were recognized as a Climate Leader by the EPA. Actually, for over 50 years, Shaklee has quietly led the way in environmental stewardship and support of social causes.

In 2000, Shaklee became the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral™ certification and totally offset its CO2 emissions. There is more information on their achieivements and causes on the Shaklee website.

Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share about Shaklee receiving the EPA Climate Leader Award. I am very proud of Shaklee and continue to strive, just as they do, to make positive changes for the sustainability of planet Earth.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Virtual Christmas Cards

Jacquie Lawson e-cards
I’m going a new direction with my Christmas Card giving this year. This is a VERY hard change for me, because I LOVE to write up a Christmas letter with pictures and mail to EVERYONE! But, even using recycled products for this project, isn’t really helping my carbon footprint reduction :-(

Therefore, I just signed up for a great online greeting card program that is done all via internet. The selection of virtual cards for Christmas, birthday’s, thank you, etc, is quite significant. Plus, they are animated and very unique. I had never heard of this company until I received a card via a LinkedIn associate this week. The website is located at

I am still going to have to put together a letter of sorts and probably mail it out to those, who are not connected to the internet. But, that will be a very small number. I may still need to put out an online Christmas letter with my Virtual Christmas Card, but that will be relatively easy.

Besides the savings in paper, postage, time, etc., the bigger picture is that I’ll be creating less waste. That’s my newest gift to this beautiful planet.

What will you be able to give to Earth for Christmas this year?

Here's a winter card greeting to share with all of you: Winter Card

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Show Thanks With Less Waste

I realized after creating the title to this post, that it could be written two ways: 'Waste' versus 'Waist'...LOL !! Since, this is my environmental focused blog, I do believe I'll stick with the 'household waste' issues for now ;-)

According to the folks at, household waste increases by more than 25% from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. There is added food waste, shopping bags, packaging, wrapping paper, etc.

Not only can you make easy choices to be less wasteful this Thanksgiving, they may even cost less than your usual holiday habits. Here's a few suggestions to think about:

Don't forget to take those reusable bags. Not only are they better than using plastic and paper, but they're much stronger and hold a lot more.

Setting The Table
I know! I know! Paper & plastic products are sooo much easier to use with all the folks coming over for dinner. But, think of the money you'll save if you use your existing plates & silverware and run them in the dishwasher at the end of the meal?


Don't go out and buy more "stuff". Look around the house and garage. I'm SURE there are several cool things already in your treasures, that would make great decos, with some slight modifications.

Put the food scraps in your newly created composter. And ask your guests to sort out the paper, plastic items into your new recycling area.

By the way, that 'new recycling area' doesn't have to be anything fancy. I use old garage bins and cardboard boxes to service my family's recycling needs. Don't go crazy, just be a little more savvy.

The saying, "Waste not. Want not.", couldn't be more applicable here. Remember, baby steps is okay!

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Green, Cheap & It Works !

Some would try to say that a if a product is "green"; then it is probably more expensive than other like products. And those same folks may also want to say, that if it's cheap; then it probably doesn't perform as well as other like products.

I'd like to dispel those arguments by telling you that you can purchase, non-toxic, natural, biodegradable products from Shaklee and they are in fact; GREEN, CHEAP & THEY WORK !!

Over at the Fabulessly Frugal website, is a breakdown of my favorite 2 cleaning products, and they're both offered by Shaklee. Basic H2 is an all-purpose cleaning product and Basic G, handles the "germie" places.

Here's a short clip from Rachel Ray's program, talking about Shaklee's wonderful earth-friendly and people-friendly cleaning products.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Energy Conservation Equals Big Savings For Consumer

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recycling - It All Comes Back To You

I don't think it's any secret that I have a passion for environmental stewardship. No act is too small to improve one's carbon footprint on the planet. Therefore, I am pleased to announce a local Recycling Awareness Event that will be held in my Treasure Valley, Idaho community on November 21, 2009.

Motivated by the coalition, this grassroots Recycling Awareness event will be held at Silverhawk Realty in Fruitland, Idaho from 10 am to 2 pm. The event will focus on recycling resources in the Payette County area. There will be information available about the environmental and fiscal impacts on our community and planet, resulting from more aggressive recycling by everyone.

Silverhawk Realty has graciously offered to host the event, and Western Recycling will be there with some of their collection bins. There will be additional information about recycling options in the general area of Payette County.

America Recycles Day slogan this year is, "It all comes back to you". So, take the pledge and make a difference in our community and our future. It's a Win-Win for you and the planet!

LED Light bulb vs CFL Light bulb

Previously, I've posted about the environmental importance of phasing out the use of regular incandescent light bulbs and moving to more energy efficient CFL light bulbs. But, as progress marches on, so does the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the LED light bulb.

Initially, an LED (light emitting diode) light, was most commonly a little red light that emitted from different products. It was often the illumination of time, but as time also marches on, so does the LED light bulb.

Now that technology has figured out how to 'cluster' the LED's to improve the quality of the focused light beam, they are becoming more advanced and not so cost-prohibitive. To compare the cost of the incandescent bulb, CFL light bulb and the LED light bulb, the folks over at have posted a great comparison chart.

Anyone can start the transition from regular incandescent light or CFL lighting, over to the LED light bulb, in small steps. One way to start and get paid for doing it, is to recycle your old Christmas light strings at Home Depot and receive a coupon towards Christmas LED light bulbs. Phillips is also offering a rebate through December 31, 2009, for the purchase of LED light bulbs, as well as CFL light bulbs.

Check out the comparison chart at for excellent information on the value of CFL light bulbs vs LED light bulbs. Even at a slightly higher cost up front, LED light bulbs overall, appear to be the long-term winner.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Great Green Auction Going On Now

One of the organizations that I continually feature on this blog, is Birth Defect Research for Children. They are an excellent resource for free birth defect information, parent networking & birth defect research through the National Birth Defect Registry.

Several companies, as well as my own Shaklee Distributorship, have donated items to Birth Defect Research for Children, for their Great Green Auction. I've focused on the Shaklee Baby Products for my contribution and would love it, if some of you would go to the auction site and place bids for mine or any of the great products offerred.

So what are you waiting for?...Bid Now! Place Your Bid. Whether you're looking for something unique for yourself, searching for a gift for a special someone, or looking to add a little adventure to your life, you're sure to find something in their auction catalog. Every bid helps support Birth Defect Research for Children.

Tell Your Friends. The success of this online auction depends on spreading the word to as many people as possible. They need your help. Please Refer a Friend and encourage them to participate so they don't miss a single moment of the fun and excitement.

View All Auction Items

Green Family Market companies donate nearly 150 "green"products
Birth Defect Research for Children started the Green Family Market so that families who visited our web site could find safer, organic, natural products to take care of their families, pets, homes and garden. These companies have generously donated products for this Great Green Auction. You can try products at a starting bid of one-half the retail costs.

Birth Defect Research for Children Has Been Helping Families Since 1982
BDRC provides families with specific birth defect information, parent matching services and referrals to support and resource organizations. We also sponsor the National Birth Defect Registry, a research project that collects data that can lead to birth defect prevention.

Donate an item
Guest Book
Donate Cash
Refer Friends

Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.
800 Celebration Ave. Suite 225 Celebration, FL 34747 Ph: 407-566-8304

Online Auctions and Fundraising
Copyright © 2003-2009. Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc. and cMarket, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

America Recycles Day on November 15th

Celebrating its 12th year, America Recycles Day (ARD), will be on November 15th. It's a day set aside to better inform people about the importance of recycling and buying recycled products.

I am a staunch supporter of recycling and do a decent job at it personally, but I know that I can do much more. So, I've taken the ARD Pledge on the America Recycles Day website to try and ramp up my recycling habits.

It's a No Brainer, that recycling keeps the landfills from filling up so quickly. But, in addition to that, it encourages people and businesses to find alternative uses to their trash. Either by reusing the products as they are, or re-purposing them into other products.

Please go to the America Recycles Day website and take the Pledge to start and/or improve your recycling habits. There are a lot more things that each of us can do, to turn our trash into treasures!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Petition To Campbell's Soup To Remove BPA has put together an online petition, asking Campbell's Soups to remove BPA (Bisphenol A), from their products. I've signed the petition, after just learning about the recent Consumers Reports investigation.

As mentioned on's site, the food processing world is in a tailspin after a shocking new series of tests. Released just this week, Consumer Reports revealed that many leading brands of canned foods contain Bisphenol A (BPA)—a toxic chemical linked to health risks including reproductive abnormalities, neurological effects, heightened risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.

Consumer Reports found that major canned food companies including Campbell’s Soup are using cans that leach Bisphenol A (BPA) into food. This petition to Campbell's Soup, may be a way for them to set the example for other food processing companies.

Please click on the "Take Action" widget in the right column, to let your voice be heard.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Consumer Reports Tests For BPA

In Consumer Reports upcoming December publication, they have released results of some independent studies that they completed on BPA in food products. They found that there are still some food products that contain significant trace amounts of BPA in them.

There is ongoing debate about what are safe amounts of ingested BPA. The Federal guidelines state that a "safe upper limit" of daily exposure is at 50 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight. This information is based on studies done back in the 1980s. But, there have been numerous more recent students done, that lead to more detrimental findings for living beings.

The Consumer Reports results are posted for their subscribers review. Being a long-time Consumer Reports advocate and subscriber, I am sharing a snapshot to a portion of their findings. For a complete report, please check out their site for more information at

Here's a portion of the Consumer Reports finding on the products that they tested for BPA:

"We found that the average amounts of BPA in tested products varied widely; most items showed levels from trace amounts to about 32 parts per billion. Products in that range included canned corn, chili, tomato sauce, and corned beef.
The highest levels of BPA in our tests were found in the canned green beans and canned soup. In Progresso Vegetable Soup, the levels of BPA ranged from 67 to 134 ppb. In Campbell's Condensed Chicken Noodle Soup, the levels of BPA ranged from 54.5 to 102 ppb. Canned Del Monte Fresh Cut Green Beans Blue Lake had BPA levels ranging from 35.9 ppb to 191 ppb, the highest amount for a single sample in our test. Since we didn't test other canned green beans or soups, we don't know if this is typical of those products.
A 165-pound adult eating one serving of canned green beans from our sample, which averaged 123.5 ppb, could ingest about 0.2 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight per day, about 80 times higher than our experts' recommended daily upper limit. And children eating multiple servings per day of canned foods with BPA levels comparable to the ones we found in some tested products could get a dose of BPA approaching levels that have caused adverse effects in several animal studies.
Given the significance of BPA exposure for infants and young children, we tested samples of Similac Advance Infant Formula and Nestlé Juicy Juice All Natural 100% Apple Juice. Samples of the Similac liquid concentrate in a can averaged 9 ppb of BPA, but there was no measurable level in the powdered version. Samples of the Nestlé Juicy Juice in a can averaged 9.7 ppb BPA, but there were no measurable levels in the samples of the same product packaged in juice boxes."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boise, ID Got The Word Out For 350 !

What a wonderful time we had on October 24th, the International Day of Climate Change! A very small, but passionate group, gathered at the Boise Centre On The Grove during the Saturday Market. Their purpose: To share with as many people as they could, that Climate Change and Global Warming are REAL issues.

Tyrel Trainor organized this grass roots group to come together last Saturday, at the Saturday Market in Boise, ID. And without his bold step, the rest of the group wouldn't of had a central point to meet and organize this small but effectual reach out.

Thabata Regiani, a wonderful graphic designer, and a Lead Activist for Greenpeace, lent her talent and skills to the event. Not only did she design our easy-read handout flyer, but she was out on the front lines talking to everyone she could on Saturday.

The group had it's obstacles, a failing 10x10 canopy that's on it's way to recycle & canopy heaven. But, the weather held beautifully and we were inspired throughout the whole event by our local Scottish bagpipers and dancers.

The supply of handouts was almost completely given away at the end of four hours and numerous people stopped to exchange their ideas about preventing Global Warming. It was definitely worth our time, and we're ready to get out there again, very soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Take On Global Warming Vs Global Cooling

I've spent a few hours online today, reading articles, reports, commentaries and such, on the issue of Global Warming verses Global Cooling. Obviously, I wasn't able to even put a tiny dent into all the information available, but I really endeavored to look at articles on both sides of the debate. And so now, I'd like to summarize for you, a little of what I learned today and will follow up with another post about the debate over the upcoming Climate Treaty conference that will be held in Copenhagen, in December.

First of all, the naysayers in the belief of Global Warming and Climate Change, are definitely vocal! But, what I found to be interesting, is that many of these vocal "experts" that believe in the "global warming hoax", cross referenced each other quite a bit. All well and good, but many of them weren't experts, they were just people with opinions against Global Warming.

They do readily cite the writings of one or two global warming skeptics and put all of their eggs into just those baskets. Along with the alleged political issues that they espouse, I found most of their proponents to be more emotional and cause related, than being based on scientific facts.

I believe that the discussion and debate raised recently from the Global Cooling proponents, comes out of a recent NASA report that says there as been cooling on the planet since 1998. That information appears accurate, BUT, there aren't mentions to the overall pattern of warming and cooling trends, in years preceding 1998. You see, these trends apparently run in "8-year trend lines", and they have variables. Sometimes the variables are small, sometimes large, sometimes significant, and sometimes not so significant. But, overall, the "trends" have continued to move up higher on the annual global-mean GISTEMP temperature record.

The sources that I gleaned this information from, were based on scientific studies and people who have an education and employment history, in biological and environmental issues. All of their sources were linked back to other credible scientific sources, opposed to the other side of the fence.

True, a scientist or expert, I'm not. But, what I am, is a concerned contributor and inhabitant to planet Earth, and I love Her dearly. I want only the best decisions made in Her behalf. Therefore, I will continue to share what I can, with whomever will listen.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Exam - Boise Make A Stand for 350!

Join us at Boise Centre On The Grove, Saturday, October 24th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

We are a group of people from around the planet—young and old, scientists and writers and activists—who have one thing in common. We know the most important number on Earth: 350. And we know how to use that number to finally get global action on the worst crisis humans have ever faced. But we can only do it if you help.

A year ago, our greatest climatologist—NASA’s James Hansen—and his team produced a landmark series of studies. They showed that if we let the amount of carbon in the atmosphere top 350 parts per million, we can’t have a planet “similar to the one on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted.”

The bad news is we’re already past that number—we’re at 390 parts per million, which is why the Arctic is melting, why drought is spreading across the planet, why people are already dying from diseases like dengue fever and malaria occurring in places where they’ve never been seen before.The good news: that number gives us a target to aim for. When the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen in December to reach agreement on a new climate treaty, we need them to go farther than they’ve planned to go: we need to make sure they’ll pay attention to the latest science and put forward a plan that gets us back to safety.

So here’s the plan. On October 24, we are inviting everyone in the Treasure Valley to help us make that the most important number visible to everyone. People in more than 1000 communities around the globe have already announced plans—they’ll be school children planting 350 trees in Bangledesh, scientists hanging banners saying 350 on the statues on Easter Island, 350 scuba divers diving underwater at the Great Barrier Reef, and a thousand more creative actions like these. At each event, people will gather for a big group photo that somehow depicts 350--and upload that photo to the web As actions take place around the world, we'll link all the pictures together electronically via the web--by the end of the day, we'll have a powerful visual petition linking together the entire planet that we can deliver to the media and world leaders.

So far more than 100 nations are taking part—it's shaping up to be to be the biggest day of grassroots action on global warming ever. Come one, come all, bring your church, mosque or synagogue to your local bicylce group. People want to help, especially if they see the chance for something that might actually matter. This is even more important than changing your lightbulb—this is your chance to help change the way the whole world operates. October 24 comes six weeks before those crucial UN meetings in Copenhagen. It’s a great chance to take a stand—maybe the last great chance, given what the scientists tell us about the momentum of global warming.

But it can only happen with the help of a global movement—and it's starting to bubble up everywhere. Farmers in Cameroon, students in China, even World Cup skiers have already helped spread the word about 350. Churches have rung their bells 350 times; Buddhist monks have formed a huge 350 with their bodies against the backdrop of Himalayas. 350 translates across every boundary of language and culture. It's clear and direct, cutting through the static and laying down a firm scientific line.

This is like a final exam for human beings. Can we muster the courage, the commitment, and the creativity to set this earth on a steady course before it's too late? October 24 will be the joyful, powerful day when we prove it's possible.
For more information contact: Tyrel Trainor @ or Liz Amason @
Additional information about this global event can be viewed at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day To Fight Global Warming

Were you aware that today is Blog Action Day and do you know what it's all about? Well, I'd like to share with you, in case you don't.

Today, October 15, 2009, bloggers around the world are uniting by writing blog posts to raise awareness about environmental issues. Specifically, we want to put it out in front of every person, in every corner of the planet, that climate change and global warming are forces that must be reckoned with.

Scientists, environmentalists and politicians have already acknowledged the issue of global warming. But, what is still up for debate, is what extent will Global Warming really have on the planet and our quality of life.

To address the issues of Climate Change and Global Warming, there will be UN Climate negotiations in Copenhagen, this coming December. Non-governmental organizations, delegates and businesses from every nation will meet to finalize a climate change agreement. But, there are concerns, that these decision-makers may not lay out a stringent enough agreement. Thus, allowing negative climate issues to increase faster than the positive steps being taken, to combat it.

In preparation for this upcoming landmark meeting, there will be events all over the world on October 24th, which is 6 weeks prior to the UN Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen. In conjunction with United Nations Day, it will be a international day to address climate action. Communities around the world will be holding rallies to let their leaders know what kind of action they need to take on climate change.

There isn't a better time than right now, to become educated and be heard about these potentially catastrophic issues for us and our planet. October 24th is just a little over a week away, so the time is now. Find a local event in your community, which will be participating in the International Day of Climate Action. I've also listed below some websites for you to check for more information about climate change. Please don't hesitate to seek out even more info from the never-ending database of knowledge, via the internet.

Once you've located an October 24th event in your area, please make a commitment to be there. And, let us know where you'll be and what you've learned. The action we choose to take, may very well influence the environment that our children's children will be left with.

Act For Climate Justice
United Nations

Monday, October 12, 2009

Real Recycling & Reuse of Cardboard Boxes

Here's a great interview with Marty Metro of He has developed a way to truly, RECYCLE & REUSE cardboard boxes.

This environmentally progressive company Recycles used boxes from large companies and repackages them for Reuse. Watch the below video to get the whole scoop.

Reuse With Green & Clean Octoberfest Fun

I recently talked to Allen Montgomery of Montgomery Farms in Ontario, Oregon. His family has launched their third year of offering a corn maze for clean family fun in the Fall & Halloween season.

"The MAiZE" at Montgomery Farms is situated just outside the Ontario City limits at 668 Sugar Ave. It offers miles of fun with 3 different paths (or mazes), to choose from. In addition, there are several other attractions for the amusement of children and adults, alike. Some activities include a Hay Ride, Cow Train, Corn Cannon & Produce Launcher.

There are numerous opinions about growing corn and the uses for it, in the environmental community. No matter those opinions, corn will be grown and used in one form or another. And, I can't think of a better way than offering folks a family-friendly place to play and celebrate during the Fall, using a "plain old cornfield"!

You see, after The MAiZE finishes off its season with a fireworks show the night November 7th, then the process of combining/bailing & grazing cattle kicks in. Also, throughout the duration of The Maize's run, local wildlife will be able to glean the rewards of the spoils from such activities as the Corn Cannon and Produce Launcher.

So, don't miss an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time with your friends and family and literally helping Montgomery Farms create additional uses of what would normally just be considered a, "plain old cornfield". To me, it's kind of like "Reuse" in the Three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The difference is, that the Reuse is taking place with the "before-product", opposed to the "end-product"!

The MAiZE is open Monday thru Thursdays - 5pm to 9pm. Fridays 5pm to 11pm & Saturdays 1pm to 11pm. Be sure to go to their website for price information and even group reservation forms.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Fuel Film

Many are looking forward to this film making it to the local theaters! The documentary provides more information and insight about our country's use and misuse of fuel resources. It also presents more sustainable ways to fuel the country's needs with alternative fuels.

The Fuel Film was a Sundance Film award winner for "Best Documentary". Watch the video below as well as check out the film's website.

Then, check your local theater listings and if you can't find it on their calendar, call or email them and tell them you're waiting to see it!

The Choice is Ours!

Green Power Purchase Award Given To Shaklee Corporation

I have to admit, I'm feeling pretty proud today. The company, who's products I proudly distribute, received a prestigious award yesterday from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is just one of many achievements, that Shaklee Corporation has made, in their quest to preserve and improve our planet.

This week, the 2009 Renewable Energy Markets Conference in Atlanta, Georgia is being held. During this conference, the EPA awarded ten companies with a 2009 Green Power Leadership Award. Shaklee Corporation was in that list, and deservedly so. Because, this award is bestowed upon companies that distinguish themselves by purchasing substantial amounts of alternative or "green power".

Currently, Shaklee purchases close to 7 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power, each year. That total, exceeds the companies annual power usage, at about 108 percent. "Green power" is electricity that is created from sources that are more environmentally friendly, such as; geothermal, wind, solar, etc.

And "Green" is what Shaklee Corporation has been all about for over 50 years. They have actually received many awards for their sustainable heritage, but that's not what they want in the end. Shaklee's ultimate goal, from the CEO all the way down to the customer, is to model sustainable ways of making less of a carbon footprint on the planet and make better lives for anyone.

I'm proud to say that I distribute products from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. And, that it's a company that takes steps EVERY DAY to improve others and our beautiful planet.

Walking what they talk....Shaklee!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Foods That Can Be Beneficial to Mesothelioma Patients

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is primarily caused by exposure to a naturally occurring mineral called asbestos. The cancer develops in the mesothelial cells that make up the lining of the lungs, heart and abdomen. Like many types of cancer, it is most treatable when caught early. The symptoms of mesothelioma can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years to become noticeable and by the time the cancer is diagnosed, it is usually in advanced stages making it more difficult to treat.

A balanced and healthy diet is essential to help prevent cancer and other health problems. Although malignant mesothelioma is not a type of cancer that can be prevented by good nutrition, mesothelioma patients can certainly benefit from a more balanced and healthy diet in a number of ways. Better nutrition can not only alleviate mesothelioma symptoms and treatment side effects, but also fight the cancer itself.

One of the most common side effects of mesothelioma treatment is nausea. There are a number of dietary changes that can be made to help this problem. Dry grain products like crackers and toast can help calm an upset stomach. Bland foods will also help with nausea, as well as acid reflux problems.

Garlic can be useful for mesothelioma patients as it generates a chemical called allicin. Garlic appears to have the most affect on stomach cancer and prostate cancer in men, but affects have been noted in all types of cancer and on different carcinogens. Animal trials have been performed with positive effects. In one such study, a number of mice with cancer were injected with allicin. The control group (those not injected with the compound) lived an average of two months, while those receiving the injection lived an average of six months or longer.

Fruit is also a must. There are many types of berries mesothelioma patients can fit in into your diet to benefit from the cancer-fighting nutrients they contain, including blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, loganberries, cranberries. Berries contain a number of cancer-fighting phytonutrients like anthocyanins, ellagic acid, pterostilbene and resveratrol. In one study, extracts of six types of berries were tested for their ability to prevent the growth and spread of different types of cancer cells. Amazingly, each different type of berry was found to have an entirely unique combination of phytonutrients, and all six varieties of berry extract were able to kill cancer cells in the laboratory.

Low white blood cell count is another trait found often in cancer patients. This raises the risk of contracting an infection. To avoid this side effect, a number of changes can be made in the foods you eat. It is most important to avoid “bad” bacteria, which is common in foods that are spoiled or not prepared well. Avoid buffets when eating out, wash your hands before preparing meals, avoid raw meats and fish (like sushi), and throw away any foods that are bruised or damaged.

Cancer is a complex medical condition, with many factors playing various roles in development and treatment. However, most patients will undoubtedly benefit from a healthy diet in a number of ways.

This article was generously provided by Richard Moyle of The Mesothelioma Center:

Richard Moyle
National Awareness Coordinator
Mesothelioma Center

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Idaho Green Expo


Had a great time at the 2009 Idaho Green Expo in Boise, Idaho. They had a fabulous turn out, and the quality & variety of vendors was great! That's me on your left with Mrs. Gem State, Colleen Fletcher. She's competing for Mrs. Idaho this year. What a fantastic lady to visit with!

I was able to spend 2 entire days sharing with others about the great non-toxic cleaning products that I distribute and believe in. Plus, with the help of my trusted assistant, Riley Hoobery, I was able wander the Expo and pick up some great resource information about other environmental options.

Please feel free to check out other pics from my booth area here. And, for a listing of all the great exhibitors at the Green Expo, this attached link will get you to all of them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Easy Steps To A Healthy Diet

Sharing a great article from my friend, Irina Wardas, website. Please click on the hyperlinks below each topic, for more great info from her website.

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.-- Annie Dillard


The food we take into our mouth goes into our stomach where it gets digested and eventually assimilated into the bloodstream. Our blood is what creates our cells, our tissues, our organs, our skin, our hair, our brains and our thoughts and feelings. Learning to cook high quality food for yourselves and those you love can change everything.
Healthier Substitutions for Your Recipes
Soup Time to Feel and Look Fabulous
Asparagus, Beets and Chicken Salad Recipes
Sweet Eats for More Energy


- drink more water;
One Extra Glass of Water to Drink and Extra 500 Calories to Burn the Easy Way
- start with a breakfast
Video Tip: How to Make a 3-min Nutritious Breakfast to Feel Fabulous All Day
Healthy Breakfast to Feel and Look Fabulous
Healthy Pancakes
- incorporate more fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices into your diet;
4 Reason to Eat Apples
"11 Reasons to Eat Beets
Eight Reasons to Eat Squashes
Detox, Weight Loss, Glowing Skin and Other Reasons to Eat Radishes
Heart Healing Foods
Immunity Boosting Spices Recipe
Simple Detox with Cleansing Herbs
Lentils Recipes to Fight Seasonal Depression
- switch to only healthy fats with omega-3 fatty acids you can find in olive oil, salmon (chose fish carefully because it can be highly contaminated with toxic chemicals like mercury and PCBs), walnuts, flax seeds;
Salmon and Avocado Recipes


Avoid super unhealthy processed foods which add more stress on our system and are super harmful for our health.
Super Foods to Avoid in Order to Stay Healthy
Listen to Your Body and Be Crave Smart


We read all labels carefully looking for ingredients we cannot pronounce or don’t know the meaning of. There are too many preservative, chemicals, artificial colors we must avoid in order to stay healthy. Even more careful we have to be with labels on meat and diary products because most of the terms mean not exactly what we think.
Sugar and Caloric Overload Foods
How to Read Labels and Find Hidden Sugar
Video Tip: Sugar Surprise – How Much Sugar You Think You Eat


Did you know that the worst toxins we can ingest are put into our foods as additives and preservatives? Organic foods are supposed to be produced without synthetic growth hormones, genetically engineered organisms, antibiotics, chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides.
Why Strawberries, Peaches and Cherries Can Be Dangerous for Our Health
Is Your Mouthwash Cancer Proof
How You Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer


To eat local and in season means that food was stored for less time and traveled not far. You get it fresher and more nutritious. Did I mention, that it will be cheaper?
Go local and find Farmer’s Markets near you at


Stress is #1 cause of all our illnesses. If we want to be healthier, sleep longer and feel better we need to take care of out stress overload first.
Video Tip: Simple Exercise for Detox, Weight Loss and Better Sleep-Part I
Foot Massage for Detox, Stress, Sleep, Constipation and Headaches
Instant Mood Boosters – MP3 mini-class
Video Tip: How to Fall Asleep Faster and Sleep Longer
What Sex, Garlic and Swearing Have in Common
Video Tip: Three Instant Mood Boosters that Work


Toxins can be poisons, heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, smog, and many substances that we don’t even know are leeching into our bodies via our clothing our furniture, and even out carpets. We need to detox with the seasonal fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. It is also very important to avoid chemicals and pesticides not only in foods but also in skin care products, make up, cleaning products, etc.
Simple Detox with Cleansing Spices
Spring Detox and Beauty Recipes
Three Detox Recipes
Video Tip: Detox Recipe: Super Simple and Healthy Turmeric Dressing
Detox Recipe: Kale with Cranberries and Sesame Seeds
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.–Winston Churchill
If you feel you might need help with one of my Holistic Health and Nutrition Programs for Women, let me know, and let us talk…

And don’t forget to always breathe, smile and try to be happy.
© Irina Wardas, HHC
Women’s Holistic Health, Nutrition and Relationship Expert

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Standards & Integrity Addressed In Food, Inc., The Movie

On July 20th, I posted about the documentary, Food, Inc. I was finally able to get to the Flicks last week and watch the film. It was definitely more than I expected. In fact, I might even say that I almost got more on my plate, than my stomach could handle.

The documentary is a MUST SEE for anyone who consumes any meat products. Yes, I am currently a carnivore, but have been 98% pork free for about 2 years. Now, after watching the food handling standards and exposures for food contamination in Food, Inc., I have begun to plan my fazing out, of any and all commercially processed meat products. In addition, I have embarked on some serious research in a vegetarian diet for my family. (No, I haven't told the husband yet, SSHH, don't say anything!).

Watching the "hidden camera" clips of food handling in the meat processing plants in this country and chicken farms, was stomach wrenching. Now, I'm no sissy when it comes to watching the processing of meats and foods. But, when I find out how the recent salmonella poisonings and other food contamination crisis' occurred, and could have been prevented, then I do begin to feel ill.

I also learned about Monsanto's role in the control of farmers and what they can and cannot do, once the farmer has acquired Monsanto's "patented" seeds. Today, I also read an article about Monsanto's negligence right here in my home state of Idaho. Basically, they (Monsanto), have already caused much environmental devastation in Southeastern Idaho's high country, and want carte blanche to start another mine, without cleaning up their earlier messes. The scary thing is, that many EPA & FDA officials, were previously employed by Monsanto, at one time or another. I don't see any conflict of interest there, do you?

There were numerous facts & disclosures discussed in the documentary and the narration by Michael Pollen was fantastic. I can't do justice to the film by giving you the below tidbits, you'll have to see the movie for yourself. But, here's a few things I wanted to share:

1. Just a few years ago, apx 80 meat processing plants provided 20% of the meat that Americans consumed. Today, 13 meat processing plants provide 80% of the meat that we consume.

2. It takes 75 gallons of diesel to bring a steer to slaughter.

3. It is illegal to make disparaging remarks about the beef industry in Colorado. (Remember Oprah?).

4. One American farmer used to feed apx 628 people. Now, he feeds apx 128 people and huge companies/subsidiaries feed the rest.

5. One in three people born after the year 2000, will get diabetes.

The final message of the film was that we, as consumers, have a vote by what we do and do not purchase. One farmer that was interviewed, pled with the viewing audience to make our voices heard. He said that the farmers want to do the right thing, but so many hands are tied by big industry, that they can't do it by themselves.

Some of my votes will include a more conscientious effort to purchase food products grown/manufactured within a 150 mile radius of where I live. Farmers markets; here I come! I also need to start my plan for my raised bed gardens. Also, I've made my feelings clear to my husband about Monsanto products in our home/property.

My list continues, but I'd like others to share what they are already doing or planning to do, to cast a vote for improved food handling and standards by the food industry and within our own homes.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vitamin D Supplements For Kids Health

It's no secret these days, that Vitamin D Supplements are quickly becoming recognized as a necessary ingredient for kids health. Researchers have found that 9 percent, or 7.6million children across the country, were vitamin D deficient and another 61 percent, or 50.8 million, were vitamin D insufficient.

Rickets, a bone disease sometimes found in infants, is also caused by a Vitamin D deficiency.

What causes this deficiency? Most commonly it is poor diet and lack of sunlight. Again, it's no secret that the average American household, does not get enough natural vitamins and minerals to maintain the body properly. And then, there's the sedentary lifestyle of so many young people these days. With online networking and highly entertaining computer games, many people don't get too far from the sofa anymore.

There are Vitamin D sources that contain natural nutrients that young children need. Do the research and see for yourself. You will find that our daily intake of steak & potatoes, just isn't enough to feed our body and organs properly. Add safe baby and children's vitamins to improve kid's health...and yours too!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is Perfume Toxic To You?

With continued research, scientists are continuing to correlate many common allergies, allergies to mold, migraine headaches, and breathing disorders to the "everyday" products used in our homes and offices.

From the perfumes we wear, to the construction materials in our furniture, we are exposed daily to small amounts of chemicals, which can ultimately be toxic for our bodies. Many cleaning products are widely known to contain ingredients that are associated with contributing factors of some forms of cancer to symptoms of allergies.

My favorite non toxic cleaner is Shaklee's, Basic H2. It's an organic, natural cleaning surfactant, that comes in a concentrated form. One 16-ounce bottle, can make over 200 bottles of all-purpose spray cleaner. The dilution levels of Basic H2, vary for the level of cleaning.

Two drops of Basic H2 in 16-ounces of water, will make over 5,000 bottles of window and glass cleaner. One & one-half teaspoons makes a degreaser cleaner, that easily tackled the grease film build-up, on the top of my kitchen cupboards.

Most of us can't remove ourselves from all the toxic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis. One person that was forced to find a way to do this though, is Kathy Hemenway of Snowflake, Arizona. From childhood, she was sensitive to exposures of perfume, fabrics, cleaning products, etc. As she grew into adulthood, it only got worse.

Some of the modifications that Kathy Hemenway made to her home and environment, were pretty drastic. But, she educated herself and made the necessary changes to secure a better quality of life for herself.

Education is the key and that's one of the primary reasons for my blog. By sharing this information, I endeavour to bring environmental and health options to my readers.

I hope you'll take the time to read the L.A. Times article about Kathy Hemenway's search for a Non Toxic Home and also the useful link entitled Beware These Household Chemicals.

Also, for more safe cleaning options that are Safe for You, Your Home, and Your Planet™, please check out the Safe, Powerful, Green & Smart cleaning products offered by Shaklee.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Planting Trees - Building A Future

In my short journey of learning how to take better care of the environment, I learned of Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Dr Wangari Maathai. She had a vision to change the lives for Kenyans, and thus was born, "The Greenbelt Movement".

Planting trees for fuel, shade, and food is not something that anyone would imagine as the first step toward winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet with that simple act Wangari Maathai, a woman born in rural Kenya, started down the path that reclaimed her country’s land from 100 years of deforestation, provided new sources of food and income to rural communities, gave previously impoverished and powerless women a vital political role in their country, and ultimately helped to bring down Kenya's twenty-four-year dictatorship.

Shaklee Corporation has been a huge proponent of Dr Maathai. So in 2006, was birthed one of Shaklee's many environmental causes, "A Million Trees - A Million Dreams". Three years later, on Earth Day this year, she along with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger helped plant the one millionth tree at Shaklee's headquarters in Pleasanton, California.

I am so looking forward to seeing the documentary, Taking Root; The Vision of Wangari Maathai. She is more than inspirational !

Monday, July 20, 2009

Food,Inc., The Movie

Did you know that the average food product travels about 1,500 miles to get to your grocery store? And that transporting food accounts for 30,800 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year?

The movie, Food, Inc., was released last month, but it hasn't come to my area yet :-( But, in looking over the website and checking out it's resources, I am very anxious to see it and learn more about our food supply and the food industry.

In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.

Be sure and watch the trailer for the movie, but please don't stop there. There's numerous recommendations on the website about getting involved in making positive changes with our food sources.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2009 Idaho Green Expo Is This Weekend

Well, it's finally here! The 2009 Idaho Green Expo is being held July 18th & 19th at the Boise Centre On The Grove, in Boise, Idaho. Admission is free and the resources are almost ENDLESS !

Besides numerous Green Exhibitors this year, The Expo will be presenting "Sustainable U". This will be a self-guided exploration of what a green home, garden and office actually look like. By walking through these exhibits, you can see for yourself how you can make small, and sometimes, not so small changes that will usually lead to saving energy, saving money, improving your health and are also good for the environment.

Then, there's a quality line-up of Speakers at the Idaho Green Expo. Mayor David Bieter of Boise will be in great company with a panel of Idaho Mayors. Also, Scott Schliebe, will speak on the fate of the polar bear. Jim Evanoff, "Yellowstone's" Green Ranger is scheduled to speak along with several other great speakers and topics.

Another first for the Idaho Green Expo is the Eco Brew Festival on Saturday & Sunday. Local and sustainable beer, wine, food and music will be available. Check out the 2009 Idaho Green Expo website for times and all vendor information. Location is "On The Grove", of course!

I'll be one of over 140 Exhibitors at the 2009 Idaho Green Expo and will be set up in Booth #85. Please stop by and visit, when you're there.

This venue is more than exceptional. Please don't miss it. The folks at GreenWorks Idaho do a stellar job in bringing Idaho a prestigious array of green and sustainable resources and information.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cleaning With A Toxic Brew - Forget About The Monsters Under Your Bed !

The "monsters" are right there on the grocery store shelves just waiting to "clean up" your home, school or office!!

That's right, sitting there all prim and proper, polished and priced; are a plethora of cleaning products, (aka Monsters), ready to come into your personal spaces and gobble up all those terrible germs and gunk! But, in the process of "cleaning up" your spaces, they may also be leaving behind a toxic brew.

These toxins may be absorbed by inhalation, ingestion, or contact. Some of the ingredients have been found to be associated factors of one or many health conditions. Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Reactive Airway Dysfunction, Skin Allergies and more, may be affected or enhanced by the toxic brew of products that you're "cleaning" with.

You have options. Natural and non-toxic products are available and can be just as effective as the Name Brand products. Many of these products are concentrated and not any more costly than the Name Brand products. There are also recipes available to make up your own homemade solutions.

To find out more about the toxic brew lurking under your sink, check out a short Toxic Brew video at . At that site, you can also order a free, Home Cleaners Toxin Checklist, to check out the contents of some commonly used Brand Name products.

Remove the "Monsters" and replace them with products that are safe for you, your home and the planet.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Step #3 To Combat Climate Change

I’m in the process of sharing my personal journey to reduce my personal carbon footprint, on the planet. I was initially inspired by reading the World Environment Day website and their Twelve Steps To Unite To Combat Climate Change.

In June, I addressed Step Number One; which was Commitment , and also, Set Number Two; which was Assess Where You Stand.* Now, it's time to move onto Step Number 3. This is "where the rubber meets the road", as they say.

Step Number Three is: Decide And Plan Where You Want To Go

During my assessment* in Step #2, I completed a survey on the website, One Million Acts of Green. In this process, I selected areas called “Acts of Green” that I already have done, and then Pledged to make changes in numerous other Acts. I have a lot of areas that are in the “Pledged” category still, and this is the resource that I can use to work on Step #3; Deciding and planning where I want to go.

Therefore, I will be using my uncompleted Acts of Green (or Pledges), to calculate how I am progressing on my carbon footprint reduction. I plan on referring back to my Pledges at least once a week, and using it as a reminder of things to work on and a place to update my accomplishments.

I’m will be sharing my accomplishments and hurdles, (hopefully there are very few of those), with everyone via this blog. Please feel free to share with the other readers and myself, what areas are more difficult for you to conquer. Maybe together, we can help each other accomplish our common goal in reducing our greenhouse emissions, fighting global warming and just plain being good stewards.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Can't Thank Them Enough !

Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom Isn't Free

4th of july 2009 My Hero Military Tribute from porsches4ed on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Landmark Climate Bill Passes The House

Another landmark victory this week for protecting our environment!

In a very close House vote, 219 to 212, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454), was passed by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009.

This legislation is a comprehensive plan to reduce carbon pollution, as well as grow our economy. It still has to make it through the Senate and be signed into law, but it definitely appears to be on its way!

What does this all mean?

Well, I definitely am no authority in the area of global warming and the economy, but there have been significant studies to access the impact of this bill. The effects on the nation's economy, energy costs and household impacts were seriously calculated. None of these areas will see measurable results in the very near future, but will show themselves over time.

It didn't take us a couple of years to put our planet in the condition that it's in, and it will take more than a couple to get us out of it. In fact, projected measurable results may not be fully seen until 2020 and 2030, in the impacted areas.

There is much division over the value of this legislation via H.R. 2454. But still, I can't stop hoping that if nothing else, this discussion brings the issues of global warming and reduction of CO2 emissions into the forefront of everyone's mind.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Raising The Bar In San Francisco

I'm so proud of San Francisco and Mayor Gavin Newsom. I'm literally busting at the seams!

San Francisco already has made huge strides in recycling, but now, they have raised the bar by signing into law, mandatory composting in my favorite City. Seventy-two percent diversion from the landfills wasn't enough for Mayor Newsom and his colleagues, and so now it's the law!

In an article in the Huffington Post, the progressive Mayor outlines the chronology of San Francisco's war for reduction in their landfills and repurposing much of the byproducts of waste.

Please watch inspiring video that explains San Francisco's ambitious journey to create a model for environmental stewardship in every city on this planet.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Step 2 of My 12 Steps To Combat Climate Change

In a previous post, I shared about the Twelve Steps To Unite To Combat Climate Change on the World Environment Day website. Then, I decided that I would like to become more accountable and have begun to share the 12 Steps on this forum, and what I am personally doing to walk through them.

Last week, I talked about Step Number One, which was Commitment. In this post today, I am focusing on the Step #2.

Step Number Two: Assess Where You Stand

By assessing where I stand, I will know where and how I generate greenhouse gases. There are numerous online calculators and I have previously tried a few of them. But today, I discovered a very cool website called, One Million Acts of Green.

"When we all do one act, we act as one, and help the planet", is the motto on One Million Acts of Green website. On the site I completed a completely painless, but very thought provoking survey, on what actions I have taken and what actions I pledge to take, to reduce my carbon footprint on the planet.

Based on my "Completed Acts of Green", the site actually provided my personal contribution of reduction of my carbon footprint, based upon these completed acts. As, I continue to follow through and check off my "Pledged Acts of Green", then the amount of my carbon footprint reduction will increase.

I encourage those reading this post, to please go to their website and check out the numerous resources available on it. In addition to the survey and carbon footprint calculator, there is information on educating about the environment, forums, blogs, groups and challenges. This website is definitely worth bookmarking and referring back to regularly.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Our Voice About Global Warming

In addition to some easy lifestyle changes that can be made to slow down Global Warming, we also have a voice to get the message out. And that message can easily be disseminated right from our computer to anyone else who has a computer and email.

The Environmental Defense Fund has a great online resource to voice our concerns about Global Warming, with members of Congress. By completing some pre-formatted fields with your name and home address, your voiced concerns are routed directly to the Congressperson that represents you.

One endangered North American species, that could be affected by the results of Global Warming, is the Canada Lynx. The EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) shares about these beautiful creatures and others in their new feature, Warming and Wildlife. As the EDF states, all life is interdependent and any harm to these creatures, in many cases has direct effects on human life.

Visit EDF's Warming and Wildlife campaign for more information on other endangered animals and follow this link to make your voice heard by your local Congressperson today.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Twelve Steps To Combate Climate Change

On the World Environment Day Website, they shared Twelve Steps To Unite To Combat Climate Change. I've decided that I would go through this Twelve Step "program" on my blog with all of you. By doing this, I am hopeful that others will be inspired to do the same thing.

Step Number One is: Making a Commitment

One definition of the word "Commitment" that I found was: The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons.

And I am here today, to state in writing, that I am COMMITTED to reducing my carbon emissions and thus, reducing my carbon footprint on this planet.

Every activity that I or any being on this planet participates in, has an affect on
Greenhouse Gases. Burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have been the primary causes for the added Greenhouse Gases. And, these two activities in themselves, are dictated by society's demands, or more specifically...MY DEMANDS !

Gasoline and fuel for all forms of transportation, heating oils, plastics, manufacturing, construction, paper products; you pretty much name it, and everything points back to fossil fuels and the forests.

So, how do I reduce my personal demand from these resources? By being committed to educate myself and put into practice the things that I learn.

Now, I'm not going to "know it all", or even practically "do it all", but I am passionate about learning what I can do to make a more positive impact on our environment.

Are you committed to being a better steward of our environment and planet?