Sunday, September 21, 2008

RE:FORM Conference This Week

I'm very pleased that this week has rolled around! A RE:FORM Conference will be on the 24th thru 26th of September, at The Vineyard Church in Boise. I will be having an exhibit of my products there, but more importantly, there is going to be 3 days of education on Human Justice, World Crisis, & Environmental Stewardship.

There's a schedule of events listed below, but you can also go the RE:FORM website for more information. Hope to see everyone there!

September 24, 2008—Human Justice
9:00am - Human Trafficking Overview —Rob Morris, Love 146
10:15am - Panel Discussion with experts on Human Trafficking issues including John Odean; Alan Brown, Compasio; Phil Gazley, Colorado Network to End HT ; Steven Hamilton, former Homeland Security; Kathy Maskell, Love 146; Surrea Oglesby, Eden House
12:00pm - Lunch (provided)
1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:00pm - Workshops and discussions with panelists
5:00pm - Dinner break (on your own)
7:00pm - Rob Morris & Love Justice Human Trafficking Documentary

September 25, 2008—World Crises
9:00am - A Call to Action — Senior Pastor Tri Robinson
10:00am - Panel Discussion with experts on the seven areas of world crisis including Scott Sabin, Floresta; Mark Russell, HOPE Intl.; Jennifer Boyd, Vineyard College of Mission; Brandi Swindell,; Josh Campbell; Tri Robinson
12:00pm - Lunch (provided)
1:30pm, 3:30pm - Workshops and discussions with panelists
5:00pm - Dinner break (on your own)
7:00pm - Biblical Solutions to a World in Crisis—Tri Robinson

September 26, 2008—Environmental Stewardship
9:00am - Environmental Stewardship Overview—Peter Illyn
10:00am - Panel Discussion with experts on various Environmental Stewardship issues including Peter Illyn, Restoring Eden; Melanie Griffin, Sierra Club; Rhys Roth, Climate Solutions; Jim Jewell, Evangelical Environmental Network; Suellen Lowry, Noah Alliance; Thomas D. Rowley, A Rocha USA; Gary Nafziger-Meiser
12:00pm - Lunch (provided)
1:30pm, 3:30pm - Workshops and discussions with panelists
5:00pm - Dinner break (on your own)
7:00pm - Creation Care, an Evening of Experiential Journey —Andy Hendley; Peter Illyn, Restoring Eden; Melanie Griffin