Saturday, June 27, 2009

Landmark Climate Bill Passes The House

Another landmark victory this week for protecting our environment!

In a very close House vote, 219 to 212, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454), was passed by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009.

This legislation is a comprehensive plan to reduce carbon pollution, as well as grow our economy. It still has to make it through the Senate and be signed into law, but it definitely appears to be on its way!

What does this all mean?

Well, I definitely am no authority in the area of global warming and the economy, but there have been significant studies to access the impact of this bill. The effects on the nation's economy, energy costs and household impacts were seriously calculated. None of these areas will see measurable results in the very near future, but will show themselves over time.

It didn't take us a couple of years to put our planet in the condition that it's in, and it will take more than a couple to get us out of it. In fact, projected measurable results may not be fully seen until 2020 and 2030, in the impacted areas.

There is much division over the value of this legislation via H.R. 2454. But still, I can't stop hoping that if nothing else, this discussion brings the issues of global warming and reduction of CO2 emissions into the forefront of everyone's mind.