Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Green Power Purchase Award Given To Shaklee Corporation

I have to admit, I'm feeling pretty proud today. The company, who's products I proudly distribute, received a prestigious award yesterday from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is just one of many achievements, that Shaklee Corporation has made, in their quest to preserve and improve our planet.

This week, the 2009 Renewable Energy Markets Conference in Atlanta, Georgia is being held. During this conference, the EPA awarded ten companies with a 2009 Green Power Leadership Award. Shaklee Corporation was in that list, and deservedly so. Because, this award is bestowed upon companies that distinguish themselves by purchasing substantial amounts of alternative or "green power".

Currently, Shaklee purchases close to 7 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power, each year. That total, exceeds the companies annual power usage, at about 108 percent. "Green power" is electricity that is created from sources that are more environmentally friendly, such as; geothermal, wind, solar, etc.

And "Green" is what Shaklee Corporation has been all about for over 50 years. They have actually received many awards for their sustainable heritage, but that's not what they want in the end. Shaklee's ultimate goal, from the CEO all the way down to the customer, is to model sustainable ways of making less of a carbon footprint on the planet and make better lives for anyone.

I'm proud to say that I distribute products from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. And, that it's a company that takes steps EVERY DAY to improve others and our beautiful planet.

Walking what they talk....Shaklee!


C Sherrill said...

Liz you have enlighten my family and I on the stewardship of a company that practice what it preaches. I know their business model will continue to make this planet a better place to live. Thanks for sharing.

Erin said...

Isn't Shaklee the best!? I first heard about them through a friend and now I can't get enough. In fact, I just entered a giveaway contest on askmelissa.com where they're giving away a whole table of eco-friendly products for moms. Included is a 30 piece started kit from Shaklee-woohoo! Here's the for all of you to enter (for free!): http://www.askmelissa.com/eco_moms