Sunday, April 26, 2009

Plastic Straws - Baby Steps That Will Make A Difference

A few weeks ago, I was sent an invitation on Facebook to join a Group called "No Plastic Straws (Plastic Straws are For Suckers)". I checked out the Group's description and thought that this was a worthly group to be associated with, and so I joined.

Now, some of you reading this may think that it's really no big deal whether one uses a plastic straw or not, but this is just another one of those "baby steps" that can, in the long run, make a huge positive impact to our environment and planet. Already, joining the Group has actually helped me be more conscientous about plastic straws.

Last week, the husband and I were out for dinner, and a plastic straw (with plastic wrapper), was provided to me during our meal. Not only was a plastic straw provided for my water, but also for my adult beverage, (I like the foofoo drinks).

In the past, I would of automatically tore open that wrapper and popped my plastic straw down into my glass. But not this time, as I remembered my new consciousness regarding plastic straws. Believe it or not, I was able to drink my strawless beverages without any problems !

The below is the beginning of the "No Plastic Straws (Straws Are For Suckers)" Group description. Please take 5 minutes to go to their Group and read the entire thought process. We really can make a difference, one straw at a time:

"What would happen if everyone who ordered a drink politely added "And no plastic straw, please!" ? What would happen is this...". Please follow this link to read what could happen.
