Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Take On Global Warming Vs Global Cooling

I've spent a few hours online today, reading articles, reports, commentaries and such, on the issue of Global Warming verses Global Cooling. Obviously, I wasn't able to even put a tiny dent into all the information available, but I really endeavored to look at articles on both sides of the debate. And so now, I'd like to summarize for you, a little of what I learned today and will follow up with another post about the debate over the upcoming Climate Treaty conference that will be held in Copenhagen, in December.

First of all, the naysayers in the belief of Global Warming and Climate Change, are definitely vocal! But, what I found to be interesting, is that many of these vocal "experts" that believe in the "global warming hoax", cross referenced each other quite a bit. All well and good, but many of them weren't experts, they were just people with opinions against Global Warming.

They do readily cite the writings of one or two global warming skeptics and put all of their eggs into just those baskets. Along with the alleged political issues that they espouse, I found most of their proponents to be more emotional and cause related, than being based on scientific facts.

I believe that the discussion and debate raised recently from the Global Cooling proponents, comes out of a recent NASA report that says there as been cooling on the planet since 1998. That information appears accurate, BUT, there aren't mentions to the overall pattern of warming and cooling trends, in years preceding 1998. You see, these trends apparently run in "8-year trend lines", and they have variables. Sometimes the variables are small, sometimes large, sometimes significant, and sometimes not so significant. But, overall, the "trends" have continued to move up higher on the annual global-mean GISTEMP temperature record.

The sources that I gleaned this information from, were based on scientific studies and people who have an education and employment history, in biological and environmental issues. All of their sources were linked back to other credible scientific sources, opposed to the other side of the fence.

True, a scientist or expert, I'm not. But, what I am, is a concerned contributor and inhabitant to planet Earth, and I love Her dearly. I want only the best decisions made in Her behalf. Therefore, I will continue to share what I can, with whomever will listen.