Sunday, October 12, 2008

Green Goes With Everything - NY Times Best Seller

I had previously posted about a new book that was about to hit the shelves; Green Goes With Everything by Sloan Barnett. Well, it's out and has climbed quickly to # 8 on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Green Goes With Everything is available through it's own website, Amazon, Costco, just about anywhere books are sold.

This is a great resource and/or gift idea, to share with friends easy ways to battle the toxic jungle that we are all exposed to. True, not everything can be eliminated and probably not everything will definitely harm you, but why not take some EASY STEPS!

Be sure to check out the Green Goes With Everything website, where you can take a fun/interactive test to calculate your Body Burden Score. It's very cool that as you take the quiz, there's a tree on the site, who's leaves dry up and fall off, as you select negative/toxic exposures in your home. Also, watch the dog on the porch's reaction, as you take the test.

Also, here's a Today Show interview by Matt Lauer, talking to Sloan about her book.