Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Green, Cheap & It Works !

Some would try to say that a if a product is "green"; then it is probably more expensive than other like products. And those same folks may also want to say, that if it's cheap; then it probably doesn't perform as well as other like products.

I'd like to dispel those arguments by telling you that you can purchase, non-toxic, natural, biodegradable products from Shaklee and they are in fact; GREEN, CHEAP & THEY WORK !!

Over at the Fabulessly Frugal website, is a breakdown of my favorite 2 cleaning products, and they're both offered by Shaklee. Basic H2 is an all-purpose cleaning product and Basic G, handles the "germie" places.

Here's a short clip from Rachel Ray's program, talking about Shaklee's wonderful earth-friendly and people-friendly cleaning products.