Sunday, April 26, 2009

Plastic Straws - Baby Steps That Will Make A Difference

A few weeks ago, I was sent an invitation on Facebook to join a Group called "No Plastic Straws (Plastic Straws are For Suckers)". I checked out the Group's description and thought that this was a worthly group to be associated with, and so I joined.

Now, some of you reading this may think that it's really no big deal whether one uses a plastic straw or not, but this is just another one of those "baby steps" that can, in the long run, make a huge positive impact to our environment and planet. Already, joining the Group has actually helped me be more conscientous about plastic straws.

Last week, the husband and I were out for dinner, and a plastic straw (with plastic wrapper), was provided to me during our meal. Not only was a plastic straw provided for my water, but also for my adult beverage, (I like the foofoo drinks).

In the past, I would of automatically tore open that wrapper and popped my plastic straw down into my glass. But not this time, as I remembered my new consciousness regarding plastic straws. Believe it or not, I was able to drink my strawless beverages without any problems !

The below is the beginning of the "No Plastic Straws (Straws Are For Suckers)" Group description. Please take 5 minutes to go to their Group and read the entire thought process. We really can make a difference, one straw at a time:

"What would happen if everyone who ordered a drink politely added "And no plastic straw, please!" ? What would happen is this...". Please follow this link to read what could happen.



Kathryn Santoyo said...

Thanks for sharing this, Liz. So great to hear the group has inspired you to decline the use of a plastic straw. May this action spread far and wide!

Virginia Wright said...

Just imagine if the plastic forks, knives, and spoons got added! Great post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
I like the idea of no straws, how ever some time I think it might be necessary due to how they clean the glasses? That is my fobia!

Lela said...

Liz, I like the the idea of "no plastic straws". Most people do only use them to stir their drink, then toss them aside, swizzle sticks as well. We can add those to the list also.

AuntJoJo said...

Now that is something that would never have entered my mind, a small thing like saying 'no' to the plastic straw could make a difference. We don't eat out much but when we do I will never look at the straw in the same way. Like you said, baby steps. Thanks for another great idea planted in my brain :-)

Settlers Margaret River said...

Settlers Tavern in Margaret River Western Australia uses bio-degradable straws (for those who really need one!)