Friday, May 22, 2009

Making A Difference Memorial Day & Every Day

In addition to honoring the men and women who have given their lives for our Country, let's use this Memorial Day Weekend to make memorable improvements to our walk on planet Earth. There are numerous resources for ideas out on the internet, and many only cost your time and efforts!

We have a history because of the prices that have been paid, but what good is that price, if we don't value & maintain the fruits of it? We won't continue to have wonderful memories of "days gone by", unless we become better stewards of the planet in conservation, pollution reduction, waste management, etc. Let's improve our imprint on this gorgeous planet.

For some places to look, National Geographic has great group of videos for "Green Home Makeovers" tips. Each one is short and to the point.
Some of the video topics cover:
  1. Bathroom Water Waste Reduction
  2. Serene & Healthy Bedroom Remodels
  3. Reducing Energy & Water Use In the Kitchen
  4. Using Less Water & Energy In The Laundry Room

Other online resources and companies offer safe and non-toxic cleaning products for the home.

What are some of the steps you are taking to keep our planet sustainable?


AuntJoJo said...

Great ideas Liz. We have been working on all 4 you listed. One of the steps we are trying now is using the Basic H listed in your mini online catalog from the last post. I found some material about people using it in their gardens, because it is a Surfactant, making water wetter, you don't have to water as much. It also keeps some common garden pests away. I will let you know how it works out.

V Wright said...

What I started doing a couple of months ago is not running my dishwasher unless I'm either out of dishes or it's full. Don't know if it impacts the amount of water I use, but I now only do laundry once a week rather than two or three.