DRIP, DRIP, DRIP...No, there's not any name calling, going on here today. Instead, we're going to share some practical tips for being more environmentally responsible AND saving money too. -Take that Recession- POW!
A couple of posts back, I talked about the ecobutton™ and the Smartstrip, as ways of reducing electrical power consumed. The power used from idle devices, or even some devices when turned off, is known as Phantom Power.
The next suggestion was eluded to, in the title of this post: water dripping. Three easy suggestions are: Getting leaky faucets fixed, not running the water when brushing your teeth, and/or installing fixtures that have EPA WaterSense efficiency standards.
The "Three R's": Reduce - Reuse - Recycle, pretty much speak for themselves.
Use environmentally safe cleaning products: One of the most economical all-purpose cleaners is Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate by Shaklee. This product even carries the Green Seal. The Green Seal endorsement comes from a independent, non-profit organization that tests and endorses products from environmentally responsible companies. One 16-ounce bottle of Basic H2®, dilutes into over 200 bottles of all-purpose cleaner. Not only is it safe for the planet, it's safe for folks that are sensitive to scents and/or have allergies. Then, once you've used up the 16-ounce bottle, if not recycled, you would only be putting "1" plastic bottle into the landfills, versus over 200 bottles of the "other brand".
A couple of posts back, I talked about the ecobutton™ and the Smartstrip, as ways of reducing electrical power consumed. The power used from idle devices, or even some devices when turned off, is known as Phantom Power.
The next suggestion was eluded to, in the title of this post: water dripping. Three easy suggestions are: Getting leaky faucets fixed, not running the water when brushing your teeth, and/or installing fixtures that have EPA WaterSense efficiency standards.
The "Three R's": Reduce - Reuse - Recycle, pretty much speak for themselves.
Use environmentally safe cleaning products: One of the most economical all-purpose cleaners is Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate by Shaklee. This product even carries the Green Seal. The Green Seal endorsement comes from a independent, non-profit organization that tests and endorses products from environmentally responsible companies. One 16-ounce bottle of Basic H2®, dilutes into over 200 bottles of all-purpose cleaner. Not only is it safe for the planet, it's safe for folks that are sensitive to scents and/or have allergies. Then, once you've used up the 16-ounce bottle, if not recycled, you would only be putting "1" plastic bottle into the landfills, versus over 200 bottles of the "other brand".
I hope some of you will write back and share some other great planet saving ideas. Also, tell us which ones you are personally incorporating into your daily routine.