Well, it was 2 years ago this month, that I watched the Earth Day Show that Oprah aired. That was also my launch pad into becoming more environmentally conscious and focusing on my family's health and well being.
I have made a lot of changes (transitions) in my lifestyle since then, and one of them was purchasing and using reusable bags for shopping. I must admit that its taken me awhile to get into the habit of using them, but it's become a pretty solid one these days.
I'm still using the same reusable bags that I purchased online from EcoBags, two years ago. My initial order included four canvas/cotton tote bags and an assorted pack of string vegetable bags. I'm careful not to overload the reusable bags, and because of that, they're like brand new.
All my EcoBags are still in pristine condition. No rips, tears, discoloration, nothing ! And a bonus that I really like is that string bags are very stretchable. So, when I've purchased more at the market than will fit in my canvas totes, I can spillover into the string bags.
Besides keeping plastic bags out of the oceans and landfills, I was able to more than recoup my initial expense for them, when stores were offering a .05 cent credit, for bringing your own bags to the store. But, even if I hadn't received that great unexpected rebate, I'm still helping the planet and making it Earth Day, everytime I go to the store!