Thursday, July 17, 2008

Options for Recycling CFL's

While usage of the CFL (Compact Flourescent Light) controversy still rages on; (IMHO), they are definitely a sustainable option for everyone. Yes, the mercury content and disposal issues are yet to be resolved, but there are some options in place to safely dispose of your used/damaged CFL's.

So, I'm at my "Like-a-brother" hairdresser's home last week, getting my gray washed out. I'm chatting with his roommate, who's an awesome guy and on the management team of a Lowe's store in Boise, Idaho.

I ask this Lowe's manager, if he is aware that Home Depot has gone to accepting used and damaged CFL's for recycling and ask him, "When is Lowe's going to step up to the plate and start doing good things like Home Depot?". He then proceeds to diplomatically inform me that Lowe's has been recycling CFL's for sometime, and in fact, Lowe's also recycles batteries (AA,D,C,etc.).

Well, naturally I apologized for my assumption of Lowe's lack of environmental responsibility, and just thought I'd share my ignorance, with the rest of you. This just goes to show you, that "one" never knows what another person or another company is doing to make a more positive impact on the planet.

This was my reminder on continuing my education of the plethora of resources and options that are available and never A S S - U - M E !!

Sorry guys, another lesson learned!