Saturday, October 25, 2008

Conflict of Interest - The FDA?

Last week, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel posted an article about a potential conflict of interest involving the recent report published by the FDA on the supposed safety of BPA (Bisphenol A), to humans. Apparently, the group responsible for completing the FDA's report, had members who's personal interests may have been seriously influenced by the "plastics industry".

As previously mentioned on this blog, the FDA came out recently with a report that there were no known hazards to humans, caused by BPA. Yet, Canada and numerous other independent groups have done studies that prove otherwise.

The FDA (Food & Drug Administration), has also previously asserted that Aspartame is safe, but stevia is dangerous to use in foods; Vioxx is safe, but cherries are dangerous to use in the treatment of arthritis pain; and the list goes on.

I don't know about anyone reading this, but I'm getting almost "weirded out", by the abuses that are taking place amongst the agencies that are supposed to be looking out for my well-being, health and safety.

Just another reason why I am so proud to be associated with Shaklee. They are a company that is very open about their products and maintains standards far in excess of the natural nutrition industry. Shaklee's products undergo over 80,000 tests annually, to guarantee their safety and efficacy.

Shaklee is a leader in environmental integrity. After all, Dr. Shaklee created a "green" cleaning product, (Basic H2®), back in 1960, when "green" was just a color! And, the line-up of respected scientists and doctors on Shaklee's Scientific Advisory Board, is more evidence of the standards that Shaklee keeps and continues to improve upon.

Yes, there are a lot of "things" out there that can harm you, but let us at least, lower our exposure to those things, that we're aware of....or even, leary of.

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