Saturday, October 25, 2008

Conflict of Interest - The FDA?

Last week, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel posted an article about a potential conflict of interest involving the recent report published by the FDA on the supposed safety of BPA (Bisphenol A), to humans. Apparently, the group responsible for completing the FDA's report, had members who's personal interests may have been seriously influenced by the "plastics industry".

As previously mentioned on this blog, the FDA came out recently with a report that there were no known hazards to humans, caused by BPA. Yet, Canada and numerous other independent groups have done studies that prove otherwise.

The FDA (Food & Drug Administration), has also previously asserted that Aspartame is safe, but stevia is dangerous to use in foods; Vioxx is safe, but cherries are dangerous to use in the treatment of arthritis pain; and the list goes on.

I don't know about anyone reading this, but I'm getting almost "weirded out", by the abuses that are taking place amongst the agencies that are supposed to be looking out for my well-being, health and safety.

Just another reason why I am so proud to be associated with Shaklee. They are a company that is very open about their products and maintains standards far in excess of the natural nutrition industry. Shaklee's products undergo over 80,000 tests annually, to guarantee their safety and efficacy.

Shaklee is a leader in environmental integrity. After all, Dr. Shaklee created a "green" cleaning product, (Basic H2®), back in 1960, when "green" was just a color! And, the line-up of respected scientists and doctors on Shaklee's Scientific Advisory Board, is more evidence of the standards that Shaklee keeps and continues to improve upon.

Yes, there are a lot of "things" out there that can harm you, but let us at least, lower our exposure to those things, that we're aware of....or even, leary of.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Turning Your Trash In Treasure

Yes, I'm still on the composting kick !! But, I came across this really cool video, it's only 5 minutes long. I found the video on The Green Guide's website, and wanted to pass it along.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Using Compost

What an easy thing to do, compared to the benefits to humans and the planet !

Compost has the unique ability to improve the properties of soils and growing media physically (structurally), chemically (nutritionally) and biologically. Although many equate the benefit of compost use to lush green growth, caused by the plant-available nitrogen, the real benefits of using compost are long-term and related to its content of living-organic matter.

Please read the entire article at Earth 911's website. Also, more great information on the EPA's website.

Let's not waste our waste ;-)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Green Goes With Everything - NY Times Best Seller

I had previously posted about a new book that was about to hit the shelves; Green Goes With Everything by Sloan Barnett. Well, it's out and has climbed quickly to # 8 on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Green Goes With Everything is available through it's own website, Amazon, Costco, just about anywhere books are sold.

This is a great resource and/or gift idea, to share with friends easy ways to battle the toxic jungle that we are all exposed to. True, not everything can be eliminated and probably not everything will definitely harm you, but why not take some EASY STEPS!

Be sure to check out the Green Goes With Everything website, where you can take a fun/interactive test to calculate your Body Burden Score. It's very cool that as you take the quiz, there's a tree on the site, who's leaves dry up and fall off, as you select negative/toxic exposures in your home. Also, watch the dog on the porch's reaction, as you take the test.

Also, here's a Today Show interview by Matt Lauer, talking to Sloan about her book.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Vote for Labeling Genetically Engineered Food

I've inserted some copy from a Consumers Union on-line post. Please read the entire article and sign Consumers Union's petition to stop the sale of meat and dairy products, that have been produced with genetically engineered animals:

If the Wall Street bailout was hard to swallow, the government is preparing a Halloween trick that just may be impossible to stomach.
The Food and Drug Administration is opening the way for grocery stores to sell food made from genetically engineered animals. And the agency is proposing that these products, called "Frankenfoods" by some, be sold to you without your knowledge.
Sign our online petition demanding that food from genetically engineered animals be labeled. We have the right to know what we are eating!
Genetically engineered animals are not a far-off, exotic concept. It's happening right now. Goats are engineered with spider genes to produce silk in their milk. And pigs carry mouse and bacterial DNA to improve their digestion.
The jury is still out on whether food from these animals is safe for humans or the environment. And the ethics of such changes have yet to be considered.
The FDA says they will conduct a safety review before these foods can be sold for human consumption. But consumers won't know if they're buying genetically engineered food, because the agency isn't going to require a label.
We know what's in the can of soup we buy because the label tells us. Shouldn't we know if the meat we buy comes from a pig with another animal's genes, or whether our milk has insect DNA in it?
Sign our petition to the FDA demanding the agency label genetically engineered food.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

2008 Energy Efficiency and Green Living Series in Boise

Idaho Power is hosting a fantastic energy efficiency and green living series the next few weeks in Boise. I was able to attend some of the free workshops last year, and am disappointed that I missed the first workshop, last Thursday.

When, I attended those workshops last year, I was impressed with the facilitators, as well as the audience. The information was very balanced and the atmosphere was light and informative. I learned many practical ways to save energy and help take better care of the environment.

So, no need to fret, it's not too late. There are 4 more upcoming classes. They are always held on Thursday's, at the Boise Public Library, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. There is no charge, but pre-registration is required.

The remaining classes are listed below as well as the workshop's theme for the evening. You'll need to register for whichever workshops you are interested in attending. Here's the link more info on the classes and the registration info.

Workshop Schedule:

October 9 – Growing Assets: Landscaping for Energy Efficiency
October 16 – Simple Changes Make Cents
October 30 – Greening Your Home
November 6 – Build Smart

I'm hoping to make it to the four remaining workshops. If, anyone is over in my neck of the woods and would like to ride-share, please send me a note or give me a call.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kick the CAN & Supplement !!

I've talked a lot about BPA (Bisphenol A), being in the plastics that we use on a daily basis, most commonly, plastic water bottles. But, I haven't really addressed some other commonly used containers that often contain this hormone disrupting chemical, that can make its way into our bloodstreams.

BPA has also been found in foods packaged in Tetra Packs and also the linings of cans used for the packaging of canned foods. Yes, that's right, those good ole' canned green beans may have traces of BPA that has leached into them.

What can you do?
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, eat less prepackaged foods, and prepare more of your meals from scratch. Yes, I know, that still may not protect you from all the contaminents that are out there, but at least, it's a step in the right direction.

Supplement with natural and safe products.
As we become more aware of the poor quality "food value" that our foods have, it is only obvious that we need to fill in the gaps with other sources. That's where vitamins and supplements come in. But, not all vitamins & supplements are created equal.

Shaklee Corporation performs over 80,000 tests each year, to ensure the quality and efficacy of their nutritional products. They are the #1 Natural Vitamin company in the United States and are regularly setting the bar, for the natural supplement industry. Shaklee's final products meet or exceed the industry's standards of Current Good Manufacturing Practice.

Which products are right for you?
Access the tool from here to select the nutritional products you are currently using and see what products Shaklee offers. All of Shaklee's products carry a 100% money-back guarantee, too.