Monday, October 26, 2009

Boise, ID Got The Word Out For 350 !

What a wonderful time we had on October 24th, the International Day of Climate Change! A very small, but passionate group, gathered at the Boise Centre On The Grove during the Saturday Market. Their purpose: To share with as many people as they could, that Climate Change and Global Warming are REAL issues.

Tyrel Trainor organized this grass roots group to come together last Saturday, at the Saturday Market in Boise, ID. And without his bold step, the rest of the group wouldn't of had a central point to meet and organize this small but effectual reach out.

Thabata Regiani, a wonderful graphic designer, and a Lead Activist for Greenpeace, lent her talent and skills to the event. Not only did she design our easy-read handout flyer, but she was out on the front lines talking to everyone she could on Saturday.

The group had it's obstacles, a failing 10x10 canopy that's on it's way to recycle & canopy heaven. But, the weather held beautifully and we were inspired throughout the whole event by our local Scottish bagpipers and dancers.

The supply of handouts was almost completely given away at the end of four hours and numerous people stopped to exchange their ideas about preventing Global Warming. It was definitely worth our time, and we're ready to get out there again, very soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Take On Global Warming Vs Global Cooling

I've spent a few hours online today, reading articles, reports, commentaries and such, on the issue of Global Warming verses Global Cooling. Obviously, I wasn't able to even put a tiny dent into all the information available, but I really endeavored to look at articles on both sides of the debate. And so now, I'd like to summarize for you, a little of what I learned today and will follow up with another post about the debate over the upcoming Climate Treaty conference that will be held in Copenhagen, in December.

First of all, the naysayers in the belief of Global Warming and Climate Change, are definitely vocal! But, what I found to be interesting, is that many of these vocal "experts" that believe in the "global warming hoax", cross referenced each other quite a bit. All well and good, but many of them weren't experts, they were just people with opinions against Global Warming.

They do readily cite the writings of one or two global warming skeptics and put all of their eggs into just those baskets. Along with the alleged political issues that they espouse, I found most of their proponents to be more emotional and cause related, than being based on scientific facts.

I believe that the discussion and debate raised recently from the Global Cooling proponents, comes out of a recent NASA report that says there as been cooling on the planet since 1998. That information appears accurate, BUT, there aren't mentions to the overall pattern of warming and cooling trends, in years preceding 1998. You see, these trends apparently run in "8-year trend lines", and they have variables. Sometimes the variables are small, sometimes large, sometimes significant, and sometimes not so significant. But, overall, the "trends" have continued to move up higher on the annual global-mean GISTEMP temperature record.

The sources that I gleaned this information from, were based on scientific studies and people who have an education and employment history, in biological and environmental issues. All of their sources were linked back to other credible scientific sources, opposed to the other side of the fence.

True, a scientist or expert, I'm not. But, what I am, is a concerned contributor and inhabitant to planet Earth, and I love Her dearly. I want only the best decisions made in Her behalf. Therefore, I will continue to share what I can, with whomever will listen.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Exam - Boise Make A Stand for 350!

Join us at Boise Centre On The Grove, Saturday, October 24th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

We are a group of people from around the planet—young and old, scientists and writers and activists—who have one thing in common. We know the most important number on Earth: 350. And we know how to use that number to finally get global action on the worst crisis humans have ever faced. But we can only do it if you help.

A year ago, our greatest climatologist—NASA’s James Hansen—and his team produced a landmark series of studies. They showed that if we let the amount of carbon in the atmosphere top 350 parts per million, we can’t have a planet “similar to the one on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted.”

The bad news is we’re already past that number—we’re at 390 parts per million, which is why the Arctic is melting, why drought is spreading across the planet, why people are already dying from diseases like dengue fever and malaria occurring in places where they’ve never been seen before.The good news: that number gives us a target to aim for. When the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen in December to reach agreement on a new climate treaty, we need them to go farther than they’ve planned to go: we need to make sure they’ll pay attention to the latest science and put forward a plan that gets us back to safety.

So here’s the plan. On October 24, we are inviting everyone in the Treasure Valley to help us make that the most important number visible to everyone. People in more than 1000 communities around the globe have already announced plans—they’ll be school children planting 350 trees in Bangledesh, scientists hanging banners saying 350 on the statues on Easter Island, 350 scuba divers diving underwater at the Great Barrier Reef, and a thousand more creative actions like these. At each event, people will gather for a big group photo that somehow depicts 350--and upload that photo to the web As actions take place around the world, we'll link all the pictures together electronically via the web--by the end of the day, we'll have a powerful visual petition linking together the entire planet that we can deliver to the media and world leaders.

So far more than 100 nations are taking part—it's shaping up to be to be the biggest day of grassroots action on global warming ever. Come one, come all, bring your church, mosque or synagogue to your local bicylce group. People want to help, especially if they see the chance for something that might actually matter. This is even more important than changing your lightbulb—this is your chance to help change the way the whole world operates. October 24 comes six weeks before those crucial UN meetings in Copenhagen. It’s a great chance to take a stand—maybe the last great chance, given what the scientists tell us about the momentum of global warming.

But it can only happen with the help of a global movement—and it's starting to bubble up everywhere. Farmers in Cameroon, students in China, even World Cup skiers have already helped spread the word about 350. Churches have rung their bells 350 times; Buddhist monks have formed a huge 350 with their bodies against the backdrop of Himalayas. 350 translates across every boundary of language and culture. It's clear and direct, cutting through the static and laying down a firm scientific line.

This is like a final exam for human beings. Can we muster the courage, the commitment, and the creativity to set this earth on a steady course before it's too late? October 24 will be the joyful, powerful day when we prove it's possible.
For more information contact: Tyrel Trainor @ or Liz Amason @
Additional information about this global event can be viewed at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day To Fight Global Warming

Were you aware that today is Blog Action Day and do you know what it's all about? Well, I'd like to share with you, in case you don't.

Today, October 15, 2009, bloggers around the world are uniting by writing blog posts to raise awareness about environmental issues. Specifically, we want to put it out in front of every person, in every corner of the planet, that climate change and global warming are forces that must be reckoned with.

Scientists, environmentalists and politicians have already acknowledged the issue of global warming. But, what is still up for debate, is what extent will Global Warming really have on the planet and our quality of life.

To address the issues of Climate Change and Global Warming, there will be UN Climate negotiations in Copenhagen, this coming December. Non-governmental organizations, delegates and businesses from every nation will meet to finalize a climate change agreement. But, there are concerns, that these decision-makers may not lay out a stringent enough agreement. Thus, allowing negative climate issues to increase faster than the positive steps being taken, to combat it.

In preparation for this upcoming landmark meeting, there will be events all over the world on October 24th, which is 6 weeks prior to the UN Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen. In conjunction with United Nations Day, it will be a international day to address climate action. Communities around the world will be holding rallies to let their leaders know what kind of action they need to take on climate change.

There isn't a better time than right now, to become educated and be heard about these potentially catastrophic issues for us and our planet. October 24th is just a little over a week away, so the time is now. Find a local event in your community, which will be participating in the International Day of Climate Action. I've also listed below some websites for you to check for more information about climate change. Please don't hesitate to seek out even more info from the never-ending database of knowledge, via the internet.

Once you've located an October 24th event in your area, please make a commitment to be there. And, let us know where you'll be and what you've learned. The action we choose to take, may very well influence the environment that our children's children will be left with.

Act For Climate Justice
United Nations

Monday, October 12, 2009

Real Recycling & Reuse of Cardboard Boxes

Here's a great interview with Marty Metro of He has developed a way to truly, RECYCLE & REUSE cardboard boxes.

This environmentally progressive company Recycles used boxes from large companies and repackages them for Reuse. Watch the below video to get the whole scoop.

Reuse With Green & Clean Octoberfest Fun

I recently talked to Allen Montgomery of Montgomery Farms in Ontario, Oregon. His family has launched their third year of offering a corn maze for clean family fun in the Fall & Halloween season.

"The MAiZE" at Montgomery Farms is situated just outside the Ontario City limits at 668 Sugar Ave. It offers miles of fun with 3 different paths (or mazes), to choose from. In addition, there are several other attractions for the amusement of children and adults, alike. Some activities include a Hay Ride, Cow Train, Corn Cannon & Produce Launcher.

There are numerous opinions about growing corn and the uses for it, in the environmental community. No matter those opinions, corn will be grown and used in one form or another. And, I can't think of a better way than offering folks a family-friendly place to play and celebrate during the Fall, using a "plain old cornfield"!

You see, after The MAiZE finishes off its season with a fireworks show the night November 7th, then the process of combining/bailing & grazing cattle kicks in. Also, throughout the duration of The Maize's run, local wildlife will be able to glean the rewards of the spoils from such activities as the Corn Cannon and Produce Launcher.

So, don't miss an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time with your friends and family and literally helping Montgomery Farms create additional uses of what would normally just be considered a, "plain old cornfield". To me, it's kind of like "Reuse" in the Three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The difference is, that the Reuse is taking place with the "before-product", opposed to the "end-product"!

The MAiZE is open Monday thru Thursdays - 5pm to 9pm. Fridays 5pm to 11pm & Saturdays 1pm to 11pm. Be sure to go to their website for price information and even group reservation forms.