Just when you think you've heard it all, well ya know!
A large pharmacutical company, Medicure Pharma, submitted a citizen's petition to the FDA. It basically wants to ban the sale of any US dietary supplements that contain Vitamin B6.
Vitamin B6 is a naturally-occurring nutrient found in many veggies, nuts & whole grains. But, in it's natural form it is called pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P). The pharmacutical company wants to market it's own version of B6 and call it a DRUG !
For a better explanation, here's a link to an article from the Alliance of Natural Health.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Now They Want To Outlaw B6 ???
The Kid-Safe Chemical Act
Our children, future children and of course this planet, are in desperate need of protection. Currently, there is a proposal for what is being called The Kid-Safe Chemical Act.
Here's an overview of the Act:
- Requires that industrial chemicals be safe for infants, kids and other vulnerable groups;
- Requires that new chemicals be safety tested before they are sold;
- Requires chemical manufacturers to test and prove that the 62,000 chemicals already on the market that have never been tested are safe in order for them to remain in commerce;
- Requires EPA to review "priority" chemicals, those which are found in people, on an expedited schedule;
requires regular biomonitoring to determine what chemicals are in people and in what amounts;
- Requires regular updates of health and safety data and provides EPA with clear authority to request additional information and tests;
provides incentives for manufacturers to further reduce health hazards;
- Requires EPA to promote safer alternatives and alternatives to animal testing;
protects state and local rights; and
- Requires that this information be publicly available.
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), has put together a great letter that you can email to your Congressman, to request that he/she co-sponsor this awesome Act. Here's the link to OCA's website: Click here
Have a blessed weekend!